Yesterday I trimmed two horses in the morning; the weather packed in so I didn't try to trim Indy but instead floated her over to Sharon's for an outing.
Sharon came over after helping load Vicky & Portia's new pony, 'Baby' (Bush Baby, LOL!). I'd started fiddling around before she got there and Indy was in the float for the 2nd time. She got a fright when the car came past, stepped delicately on my foot, then exited the float at high speed... OUCH. No real harm done other than a very bruised foot.
I put her straight back on and left. She travelled well but always turns up a bit hot and sweaty. The angle float is closed in by the barn doors and a LOT less airy than my old float, even with the top vents and both side windows open. She hasn't travelled very often or very far but seems to be getting better each time.
She got to chill in the round pen for a bit while we had coffee & 'nummy home-baked apricot & dark Ghana choc biscuits.
Alberta rode Bess, then Portia was led around on Baby by Vicki (first ride since they bought him). I gave Indy a good brush while she was loose in the round pen. She's ITCHY and moulting like mad.
With rain clouds threatening, I tacked up, fiddling with groundwork in between putting on the saddle and bridle.
The picnic table mounting block was a new experience (very different to the pink one at home!). Shaz gave us a lead on Ozzie to walk around all the paddocks. Indy was more looky about all the 'stuff' - barrels, jumps, poles, toughs - than the traffic whizzing past behind the hedge on SH1B. Her time at Cobham Drive paddocks served her well!!
More coffee & biscuits for afternoon tea. The poor 'starving' pony ate grass in the round pen.
She loaded first time & decided the float was a good place to pee, so I had to clean it out before I could eat MY dinner...
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