At Indy's initial scan, the vet suggested waiting 5 days for PG then another 5 days to scan. We revised that and gave the PG at 6 days (last Friday evening) then followed up with a scan on Monday around midday, so that we didn't miss her ovulating. On Monday the vet said she's good to go, so we ordered the semen for Tuesday.
Campion was due to be collected in time for the shipment to make a 10am flight from New Plymouth to Auckland, and would get to Hamilton from Auckland at 4pm... Well... What a palaver it ended up being!
First, Hannah was called to say "we will get it on an earlier flight to Hamilton, it'll arrive at 12.30," so she rescheduled the vet for 3pm. Then "oops, the NP flight was late, it'll arrive at 4pm as planned originally as it didn't make the 12pm." Vet rescheduled for original time of 4.30pm.
Then at 4.15pm.... Oh, guess what, it was forgotten at Auckland and will be on the next flight to Hamilton. Unfortunately I only got THAT message after I'd raced home from work early and taken the float straight to Hannah's to be there in time for the vet! FRUSTRATING! I unhitched the float and went home, as it was too long to bother waiting there (if it had been an hour I would have done some groundwork with her, but thought I could go home and ride Scarlett instead).
At 6.40 I checked the flight schedule and realised there was no flight from Auckland at that time... Rang several numbers to get hold of the airport people. Of course, there was nearly no one around as it was after normal working hours. The people who WERE around could only find out that there was no parcel in Hamilton... And let me know they'd get back to us with the details of where it was, when it was located.
We were all incredibly frustrated and annoyed at this point, especially considering the vet had said "must be inseminated TODAY" but trying not to be grumpy at the poor airport staff who weren't the ones who had caused the problem in the first place.
In the end, the semen was on the 7.40pm flight from Auckland that was scheduled to arrive in Hamilton at 8.05pm. I raced down and.... the flight was nearly 10 minutes late! I also had to wait for ALL the baggage to clear then the now-infamous shipment to be brought out to the front desk. I rang Hannah to call the vet and drove there with the Very Important Parcel safely on the front seat (more than 4 hours after we should have collected it!).
Thankfully we did not have to wait long for the vet. It was a very uneventful process to put Indy into the crush and inseminate her, yakked to Hannah for a bit then went home. Scarlett was VERY happy to see her bestie again, and I am sure Indy was happy to be home, though I bet she wished we could have taken Hannah's teaser stallion "Lucky" home with us. She spent the whole time she was there talking to him, trying to convince him to jump out of his paddock and into hers! Hannah said the other horses can't stand him, but Indy was besotted with him which was quite hilarious!
So, a quick pat and "no orange colt, thanks" request before I could finally go inside, no longer worrying where the damn swimmers were and if they would arrive at all.
All the "dark bay filly with bling" jingles you want to send our way will be greatly appreciated!
Her 15-day scan will be done on 31 Dec. I've got my fingers crossed for a better reason to celebrate than simply ringing in the new year :D
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